Italian Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
Court-appointed Expert in the IP Section of Bologna Law Courts
Having graduated in 1968 with a Degree in Electrical Engineering and in 1972 with a degree in Electronic Engineering, he made the decision to work in the sector of Industrial Property.
After ten years working in a Bologna firm, he decided to found Invention in distant 1983.
Since then he has never stopped in his involvement with all things related to the world of Industrial Property.
He is enrolled in the Patent and Trademark Attorney’s professional register in Italy and is registered to exercise the profession before the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
He has also acquired significant experience as court expert in the Industrial Property Section of the Bologna Law Court.
Area of expertise: Mechanical Engineering, Electric and Electronic Engineering.
Languages: Italian (native language), English, French